Thursday, July 22, 2010

Daily Rundown: 7/22/10

AK-Sen: A new Ivan Moore Research poll of the Alaska GOP Senate primary finds Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R) crushing challenger Joe Miller (R) 62% to 30%. Miller, of course, was endorsed by Sarah Palin last month and also has the backing of the Tea Party Express--but he hasn't shown the kind of fundraising or organizational prowess that he would need to take down an entrenched incumbent like Murkowski.

FL-Sen: A new PPP poll finds Rep. Kendrick Meek (D) leading billionaire Jeff Greene (D) by just 3 points in the Senate Democratic primary, 28% to 25%--but 37% of the Democratic electorate remains undecided. Rasmussen is out with some new general election numbers as well. When Meek is the Democrat in the race, Marco Rubio (R) leads Gov. Charlie Crist (I) 35% to 33%, with Meek back at 20%. With Greene in the race, Crist leads Rubio 36% to 34% and Greene takes 19%. Current rating: Toss-Up.

WV-Sen: Mining owner company John Raese (R) announced that he'll be running for the late Sen. Robert Byrd's (D) Senate seat this November. Raese, who ran unsuccessfully for the Senate against Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D) in 1984 and again against Byrd in 2006, seemed to be the West Virginia GOP's next pick after Rep. Shelley Moore Capito (R) decided to sit this one out--probably because he can self-fund a large part of his campaign. State Sen. Clark Barnes (R) is also expected to get in the race and former Secretary of State Betty Ireland (R) announced she won't run.

AR-Gov: A new Rasmussen poll finds Gov. Mike Beebe (D) leading former state Sen. Jim Keet (R) by only 10 points, 50% to 40%. Their June poll of the race showed Beebe up by 24 points, and other public polling has shown mixed results. Beebe was thought be one of the few safe Democratic incumbents this cycle, given his sky-high approval ratings (even in this economy). We'll see if Keet has what it takes to give him a run for his money.

CO-Gov: Former Rep. Tom Tancredo (R) issued an ultimatum to the two current Republican gubernatorial candidates: get out of the race by Monday at noon or there'll be trouble. More specifically, he said he'll run for governor on the American Constitution Party line. Former Rep. Scott McInnis (R)--the GOP frontrunner until it came to light that he had plagiarized several speeches weeks ago--has refused to drop out of the race. The same goes for businessman Dan Maes (R), who has been a weak candidate thus far and is viewed by both sides as unelectable in the general election.

Said Tancredo: "This is a disaster in the making ere. We have this opportunity and we're blowing it. The two candidates we have now are unelectable. One is essentially a fraud and another is experiencing all types of ethical problems. It's just ridiculous. This is unacceptable." He also added that if McInnis or Maes lead Hickenlooper in public polling the day after the primary (August 11), then he would drop out.
Democrats have to hope that Tancredo follows through on his threat, as he would split Republican votes with either McInnis or Maes and allow Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper (D) to cruise to victory in the general election.

FL-Gov: A new PPP poll finds Rick Scott (R) leading state Attorney General Bill McCollum (R) by 14 points in the Florida GOP gubernatorial primary, 43% to 29%. The Election Frontier polling average has the self-funding Scott up by 10.7 points.

GA-Gov: Rasmussen is the first pollster after the primary to test general election match-ups in the Georgia gubernatorial race. Former Rep. Nathan Deal (R) bests former Gov. Roy Barnes (D) by 6 points, 49% to 43%. Former Secretary of State Karen Handel (R) edges Barnes by only one point, 45% to 44%.

NY-Gov: A new Rasmussen poll finds Attorney General Andrew Cuomo (D) crushing former Rep. Rick Lazio (R), 58% to 27%.

: A new Survey USA poll finds Rep. Rick Boucher (D) leading state House Majority Leader Morgan Griffith (R) by 13 points, 52% to 39%. Current rating: Lean Democrat.

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